

Hannah from A to Z:

Angst is way more fun to write.
Binge reading is my favorite way to celebrate writing THE END.
Coffee and chocolate could solve the world's problems. Really.
Depeche Mode was a favorite in high school. 
Elephant ear pastries are my favorite non-chocolate treat but the name still freaks me out.
Friday Five posts are a blast to read and write.
Geeks are more fun.
Happy dancing Snoopy-style is common in my writing room.
Icing by the spoon...yum!
J is my favorite letter but I can't tell you why.
Kindles are awesome. Seriously. I can carry my library in my purse!
Love is all you need.
Mom is my favorite thing to be in the world. Even with the late nights. Even with a teenager in the house. 
Never let the TBR list get below five.
Orange flavored anything...yuck. Except for real oranges.
Pink is the happiest color and looks adorable with the right shade of green.
Queen bee types weren't fun to be around in high school but they're entertaining later on.
Ruffles. A girl can never have too many in her life.
Spaghetti tacos are strangely addictive. Why does the guac make it so much better?!
Thriller - the video - freaked me out when it first played on MTV. 
U know, I almost failed to mention the beauty of six pack abs in this list. 
Vera Bradley bags are a huge weakness of mine.
Wife is my other favorite title!
XC skiing is a fabulous way to stay in shape and I hope to get better at it this winter.
Yes, I'm glad this list is almost finished.
Zebra stripes are cute but I wouldn't wear them!